My second child was born 10 days early weighing 6lb 12oz. The first 4 months were rough...she had rsv at 4wks, acid reflux which continues, and was quite fussy. I b...
My son is almost 13 months old. He loves cereal and cereal bars and crackers. Anything else that is solid, he completely rejects. It worries me because he was moved...
My son is 10 wks old and I have been nursing since day 1. He had issues with gaining weight because he was spitting up so much (sometimes it seemed like his entire m...
does anybody know what to do with baby when baby has a lots of gas after eating? my daughter is bottle feeder and she is 1 week old, getting more and more gas and she...
My baby has bad gas problems. He cries and criches when I feed him,and passes gas a lot. I have been pumping mylicon since twoo wks old and now gripe water. Does this...
I am looking for suggestions on how to get my 4 month old to go to sleep for naps and at bed time without crying for 5 to 10 minutes before she sleeps. When she was a...
Son is 6 months and does nothing but projectile vomit all day! It hasn't hurt his weight at all, thank God, 20 pounds already! He was making what I thought were cut...
My daughter will be 12months old in a couple of weeks and I am excited about getting her started on "regular milk". She currenly drinks Enfamil Prosobee Soy (not for ...
I was wondering if anyone gave their baby anything, she is on formula now and we tried a generic brand and she has so much gas with this brand. I didn't know if there...
My beautiful baby boy has colic and I seem to be friends with women who's babies don't cry (yeah right). Basically I am just looking for a kindred spirit that I can c...