Moving Tips & Advice: First Years

Results 21-30 from 62 articles

Marriage Issues

A.K. asks from Sacramento

This may be a wierd question, but any moms out there staying in a marriage where you get little emotional support? As in, husband works, wife with the kids, but very ...


HELP!!! Sore Sore Sore Nipples

S.R. asks from San Francisco

Hi all, My second little guy is 8 days old. I successfully breastfed my first and am wanting to do the same for our new little guy. My problem is my nipples are so ...


Private vs Public

M.S. asks from Los Angeles

Having read so much great advice on this site, I thought I'd post a question of my own. If money weren't an issue, would you send your child to private or public s...


Other People's Grief...

A.S. asks from Philadelphia

This week is the 4yr anniversary of my mother's death. I am having trouble dealing with her family, esp her sister and how they handler their grief. A little backrou...


Car Seat

H.A. asks from Chicago

My lil girl turned 3 in February. She has met the 30 lb marker according to the car seat where we can use the car seatbelt. i have noticed the seat completely moves ...


I Don't Know What to Do!

J.G. asks from Seattle

I have a daughter how just turned one about two weeks ago. She is normally such a happy baby and being silly all of the time well this whole past week has been very ...


Stinky Diaper Pail

M.B. asks from Sacramento

I have been using a Diaper Champ since my son was born 10 1/2 months ago. I have tried spray disinfectant and deodorizers. I have washed it with bleach and let it a...


My Daughter Will ONLY Drink Formula

S.Z. asks from Portland

My dear daughter is only 9 months old, but she will NOT drink anything but formula. As soon as she tastes it, she makes a gross face and throws it on the floor. She...


Twins & Carseats?

J.F. asks from Buffalo

I have 10 month old twins who are still in the infant carrier seats. Our boy especially seems to be growing out of his! He still has a few months and a few pounds to ...


Has Anyone Ever Switched Their Child to a Different Classroom?

K.H. asks from Kansas City

My daughter started Kindergarten last fall, and even though we had no initial doubts about her going, it has been a rough road from the start. She is terrified of her...