Money: Toddler, Teddy Bears

Results 91-100 from 108 articles

Help! 7 Mo. Old Not Sleeping!

A.M. asks from Denver

Aagh! I need help/suggestions for my 7 mo. old boy who still wakes several times during the night. I've done everything: I'm feeding him more during the day and ev...


Woud You Take Your Child Back If This Happened?????/

D.W. asks from Dallas

I recently decided to enroll my daughter into Mothers Day Out for social interaction as well as personal time for myself! When I picked her up on Thursday she was ac...


Seeking Inexpensive Christmas Ideas:

C.S. asks from Medford

I know, right? Christmas already? LOL I was just in the spirit I guess. So, my family is huge into gift giving. Everyone buys for everyone! That is 11 neices and ...


Has Anyone Had Experiences with the Foster to Adoption Program?

K.L. asks from San Francisco

Hi Ladies, My husband and I are thinking about doing the foster to adoption program and are wondering if any of you have had experiences with the program - good, cha...


Crafter's Dilemma

A.R. asks from Houston

I have given handmade crafts in the past which were discarded. The two most painful examples are a baby quilt I made for my nephew which was thrown in the trash. Th...


LICE!!!! Help!!

C.B. asks from Dallas

So my kiddos got LICE!! Not sure from where? What is the best way to get rid of it from you home and keep it gone from coming back to your kids heads? I already treat...


Christining Gift

C.S. asks from New York

Hello, A dear friend of mine recently had a baby boy and she is having a christining party for him. I am not a catholic so I am not sure as to what to give for a gi...


I Hate "Boy Stuff" - Bad Mom?

C.J. asks from Dallas

Ask anyone - I am the froofiest, girly-est, pinkest GIRL you could ever imagine. So for me to have a BOY shocked everyone! I've been pretty good about it, but it's...


What to Do with a Wedding Dress

L.O. asks from Detroit

I have been married for 8 years... My wedding dress was hanging in the closet in our extra bedroom..But then we had our second child who moved into that bedroom and I...


6Wk Old Baby Needs to Be Held to Sleep

M.P. asks from New York

Hi, i understand that baby's sleep habits will change from time to time. I want to know if my baby girl 6 wks is too young to let cry to sleep. since birth she slept ...