Jogging Strollers: Toddler, BOB

Results 91-100 from 324 articles

Double Stroller Recommendations

W.J. asks from Dallas

I am pregnant with my second and we have a 3 year old that tolerates her stroller great BUT should I just keep the "cadillac" as my husband calls it for when the baby...


Cribs, Car Seats, Bob Revolution, Nordic Cab? Ugggg.

P.L. asks from Hartford

Anyone have a car seat, baby jogger, stroller, crib, glass baby bottles, co-sleeper....any product for a new baby.... that they love? I am overwhelmed by the choices...


Stroller / Car Seat Recommendations

J.W. asks from Chicago

My husband and I are having our first child and we just recently attempted a baby registry. It is so overwhelming. There are so many different brands and models out...



M.E. asks from Jacksonville

Which do you like better? Still doing my research...;) my hubby and I decided to purchase a high end stroller, rather than a cheaper one bc so far we've had nothing b...


Stroller the Baby Trend Expedition LX Any Good?

A.L. asks from San Francisco

We recently purchased this Baby Trend brand 3-wheeled jogging stroller. Of course after I bought it, I read bad reviews of it on Babies R Us (mostly due to a wiggly f...


Which Double Stroller?

H.H. asks from Dallas

I'm looking to buy another double stroller and wanted to see what other moms recommended. Currently I have the Graco Duo Glider. It's a good stroller, but very heav...


Need Advice & Opinions on Jogging Strollers

L.L. asks from Dover

I'm in the market for a jogging stroller and I'd like to hear what others think about the features on their strollers (for example: fixed wheel vs. swivel wheel, hand...


Jogging Strollers Vs. Bike Trailers

J.R. asks from Minneapolis

My child is 2 months old & I am anxious to get outside once it stops snowing! What is the best investment- a jogging stroller or a bike trailer with accessories (ie....


Baby Stroller

A.C. asks from Philadelphia

I am a first time mom-to-be. I enjoy walking and pre-pregnancy I jogged regulalry and did several 5K and 5 mile races a year. I am trying to decide on the best type...


Jogger Stroller Versus Regular Stroller

J.M. asks from Philadelphia

I recently had a baby and want to start jogging again. I am wondering if I need to buy a jogger stroller or if I can use the regular stroller? Anyone have any good ...