Illnesses: Meijer

Results 71-80 from 150 articles

Help! Older Cat Won't Stop Marking MY TERITORY!

A.E. asks from Chicago

Hi Moms. I'm at my wits end. I need your help. I have an older cat, he's 11. I've had him since he was a kitten. Now he is marking his territory in my carpeted hallwa...


Five Month Old with Ear Infection

M.L. asks from Indianapolis

My son is five months with an ear infection. He's been on Zithromax since Tuesday and he has just been crying and crying and sleeping for only 30 minutes at a time, h...


Clothes That Fit for 2 Year Old

N.J. asks from Dayton

I have an almost two year old and I am having a hard time finding bottoms ( pants, skirts, etc) that fit. She is very skinny and tall. All the 24 month and 2T sizes a...


Is It Just Me?

K.B. asks from Grand Rapids

Ok, I feel a little ridiculous with this question, but it's really bothering me so I hope someone out there can give me some insight as to what's going on with my bod...


Prenatal Vitamins

D.M. asks from Chicago

My OB/GYN gave me 3 different samples of prenatal vitamins to see which I like best. This is new to me b.c when I had my daughter in March 07 the dr told me to just t...


Do You Have a Favorite Brand of Jeans?

M.G. asks from Chicago

What brand is your favorite and why. I'm tired of my jeans that either don't fit or look awful. I want to buy some new ones but the thought of trying on a ton of jean...


Food Allergy?

C.M. asks from Columbus

I have three children. My youngest turned one on Friday. I am worried that she has some sort of food allergy, but I can't pin point what it is. When she eats Macar...


Nausea & Upset to Relieve These?

A.T. asks from Detroit

Hi Moms, I am looking for feedback from others who have had success working through the nausea phase a pregnancy. I am expecting my second child and am experiencin...


When to Switch to Cow's Milk

S.B. asks from Detroit

I have a 9 and a half month old baby girl. She has been on the Enfamil Lipil formula which I have been purchasing for the last 7 months at $25 a can! I am just wond...


How to save on Grocery Bill

R.N. asks from Cincinnati

Can anyone give me some advice on how to save on our monthly grocery bill? I have a hard time keeping it under $500-600 a month and that's just for a family of three...