Hobbies: Infant, Puppets

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91 answers

Traveling for the First Time with Baby

Hey there. My husband and I are taking our baby on a five hour plane trip in April (she'll be 10 months then). We've opted to buy a seat for her instead of holding her on our lap. Do any of you have other travel tips to help make this trip somewhat painless? We'll be out of town and on a wonky schedule for 10 days, any tips for that?


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48 answers

How to Read to Your Kids

This is going to sound like a silly concern, as most of my concerns do! I'm a writer by trade and I love reading. I come from a long line of librarians and I've been waiting my whole life to read to my kid. Before I had kids, I read to kids I babysat and I found that the girls are much, much better about sitting still and paying attention to the story. I also have a cousin whose mom is a librarian, and he grew up to hate reading! So despite my family background, I've always been afraid that my kid wouldn't love reading. So now I...