Health: Toddler, Maalox

See all 9 articles
13 answers

Is This Going Around?

I was wondering if anyone elses child is going through this? My daughter is 2 and for the past month she has been coughing, sneezing, runny nose and now an ear infection. She has been to the Doctor in the past month 5 times and has been on a course of antibiotics and it just doesn't seem like it is getting any better not worse, but not 100% better. I know right now that I am having problems with my allergies and have for the past 2 weeks. At first she was diagnosed with a sinus infection then it went to an ear infection now I don't know...

Bladder & Kidney

See all 258 articles
53 answers

Diaper Rash with Yeast Infection

My one year old daughter got a yeast infection about a week and a half ago and she is at a in-home daycare all day. I wish she can walk around without her diaper on however it may not be possible at all times. I have used a prescription ointment to clear up the infection but the rash seemed to of burned her on the sides and now it doesn't seem to want to clear up. I tried using pure corn starch and just regular petroleum jelly to stop the redness. I also like to use triple paste. Does anyone have any suggestions on the best course of...

Childhood Illnesses

See all 41 articles
20 answers

Help! My 2 Year Old Is Physically Aggressive Towards Myself and My Husband!!

I have a 2 year old little girl who is for the most part very sweet and loving until she is asked to do something that she does not want to do. If you are holding her she will scratch and pinch at your face, has been known to bite, and hits at you. She will throw herself around, get all tensed up, and just flop around. I know it is called the 'terrible twos' for a reason, but I really need help! I am not sure what to do with her. Although she is little, she physically hurts me as well as my husband and my oldest child. She not only...

Children's Hospital

See all 142 articles
33 answers

In and Out of the Hospital with 13 Month Old

I have a 13 month old son who has had lots of problems with asthma. The first time he was hospitalized for it he was only 7 weeks old and it has been an on going battle ever since. For the past month and a half now we have been in and out of children’s hospital and it took them until this past Wednesday to finally figure out what was wrong. It turned out that he has a sever sinus infection and from all of the steroids that he has been on it shut down his immune system and caused it to spread to his lungs. I feel like everytime we are in...


See all 22 articles
15 answers

15 Month Old with Cold Sores

My daughter has had 102 temp since Fri and been absolutly I finally got into the doc today and they told me she had "her first outbreak of cold sores." And that her mouth (inside) was covered in them which is the reason for the fever and pain. They explained that this misery in the mouth only happens the first outbreak so it will get easier from here. I feel so sorry for her and the doc said this is a very painfull and demanding diagnosis and that there is nothing that I can do except Tylenol to help with pain. Has...


2 Year Molars?

just real quickly because obviously i shouldn't be on here right now but i...

Diapers & Diaper Changing

See all 61 articles
10 answers

Home Made Butt Paste Recipes (With Maalox) for Severe Rash~

When my daughter was little, the Dr recommended some concoction for her frequent outbreaks of horrid (bleeding open sores..the whole bit) diaper area rash. Often it was yeast involved as well. It would change from one diaper change to the next. We would do as much cloth diapering as we could when at home, etc and that helped a ton (water only paper towel wipes as well). But I do not remember what the recipe for the Maalox included concoction was and a friend is in need (My child is 16 now, so it was many years ago for me!). Anyone have a...


See all 28 articles
26 answers

Giving Infant a Solutab

Hello! I have a 2 part question. 1) My 5 week old has been diagnosed with GERD. She was put on Zantac which didn't work and then switched to Prevacet. The Prevacet is a solutab (tablet that dissolves into granules). I was told to dissolve the tablet in a very small amout of water and then give her the pill with a syringe dropper. My problem is that the medicine is hard to dispense that way and most of it ends up running down her chin or stuck in the dropper. Have any other mothers had to give their infant a solutab and what method...


Infant with Reflux

I have a almost 5 month old baby boy with reflux. He was born 13 weeks early...


Gassy 4 Month Old

My baby girl is the gassiest baby I've ever seen! I am breastfeeding...

Foot & Toe

See all 154 articles
33 answers

In and Out of the Hospital with 13 Month Old

I have a 13 month old son who has had lots of problems with asthma. The first time he was hospitalized for it he was only 7 weeks old and it has been an on going battle ever since. For the past month and a half now we have been in and out of children’s hospital and it took them until this past Wednesday to finally figure out what was wrong. It turned out that he has a sever sinus infection and from all of the steroids that he has been on it shut down his immune system and caused it to spread to his lungs. I feel like everytime we are in...

Home Remedies

See all 174 articles
16 answers

Toddler Tummy Ache Remedy?

Hello Mommies! Does anyone have a good tummy ache remedy for a toddler? My 19mo old daughter had her first tummy ache tonight at bed time, and I searched all over the web for answers, only to have to lay her down w/ no solution :( I did read that laying on her stomach should help, and she did fall asleep easily, so I'm thinking it didn't hurt too bad(this time) I found tons of articles on causes, and a couple recipes for concoctions that I didn't have ingredients for. I'm assuming the tummy ache was from something she ate, she was pointing...


See all 151 articles
7 answers

If I'm Sick Can I Get Baby Sick??

I woke up this morning with a terrible sore throat. It hurts to swallow and talk. I dont have a fever or anything but I'm deathly afraid of getting my 5 mo old sick! Am I allowed to take antibiotics if I'm breastfeeding? I have a dr appt at 3 but until then I'm afraid to get too close to my baby. He seems sad that I'm not interacting with him much today but I'm not sure what might get him sick. :(

Illnesses & Symptoms

See all 40 articles
10 answers

Home Made Butt Paste Recipes (With Maalox) for Severe Rash~

When my daughter was little, the Dr recommended some concoction for her frequent outbreaks of horrid (bleeding open sores..the whole bit) diaper area rash. Often it was yeast involved as well. It would change from one diaper change to the next. We would do as much cloth diapering as we could when at home, etc and that helped a ton (water only paper towel wipes as well). But I do not remember what the recipe for the Maalox included concoction was and a friend is in need (My child is 16 now, so it was many years ago for me!). Anyone have a...


Coughing and Gaging

When my daughter was born, we were told in the hospital that she had an...


See all 72 articles
42 answers

Help with 4 Month Old Feeding Issues

Hey mamas! I need some major help here. I have a four month old baby that, not be mean, has been a MAJOR challenge since she was born. I have a 2 year old also so i am not a first-time mom so i don't think i am over-reacting but i need advice. We have had major feeding issues since she was born- although i tried to breastfeed- i couldn't - and now she has been on almost every formula out there. We have tried regular Enfamil, Enfmail A.R., Enfamil Gentilease, Enfamil ProSobee (soy formula), and now we are on Nutramigen. My question is...

Potty Training

See all 24 articles
7 answers

15 Month Old Diaper Rash Wont Have BM

please help my daugther is 15 months old teething,but heres the thing it sound like shes constopated she pushes but she cant and wont poop she passes gas no problem and when she dose just a little acided poo comes out shes got a bad diaper rash and crys when she trys to poo help


35 answers

Hand Foot and Mouth Disease

My 14 1/2 month old had 105.1 temp yesterday and was throwing up. I took him to the dr and they said that he had blisters on his throat and that he had Hand Foot and Mouth Disease and that it is a virus that just has to run it's course. He ate chicken and stars soup for dinner and about 1 hour later he took a drink of his milk and threw up every bit of soup that he had just eaten. We are treating his fever with tylenol but sometimes he throws up as soon as I give it to him. He ate 1/4 cup yogurt for breakfast and kept it down but the...


See all 205 articles
33 answers

In and Out of the Hospital with 13 Month Old

I have a 13 month old son who has had lots of problems with asthma. The first time he was hospitalized for it he was only 7 weeks old and it has been an on going battle ever since. For the past month and a half now we have been in and out of children’s hospital and it took them until this past Wednesday to finally figure out what was wrong. It turned out that he has a sever sinus infection and from all of the steroids that he has been on it shut down his immune system and caused it to spread to his lungs. I feel like everytime we are in...

Sleeping Habits

See all 47 articles
20 answers

Help! My 2 Year Old Is Physically Aggressive Towards Myself and My Husband!!

I have a 2 year old little girl who is for the most part very sweet and loving until she is asked to do something that she does not want to do. If you are holding her she will scratch and pinch at your face, has been known to bite, and hits at you. She will throw herself around, get all tensed up, and just flop around. I know it is called the 'terrible twos' for a reason, but I really need help! I am not sure what to do with her. Although she is little, she physically hurts me as well as my husband and my oldest child. She not only...


Hand Foot Mouth

My 2 1/2 yr old son has been diagnosed with Hand, Foot, Mouth. His mouth is...


2 Year Molars?

just real quickly because obviously i shouldn't be on here right now but i...

Stages & Milestones

48 answers

Evening Feeding Out of Control......

So I am about to lose it...My daughter Emma is almost 2 months old, we have started maintaining a routine for a couple of weeks now. However she is about to drive me crazy at bedtime. She eats at 7pm (I am breastfeeding), she gets a bath at 8pm. Right after her bath she is hungry again not even a 1/2 an hour later. She bresats feeds until I am empty and then gets a bottle of pumped milk usually 4 oz. As she is falling asleep in our arms directly after eating we move her to her bassinet where she cries and cries guess what she yells us...