Health: Infant, Cosco

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14 answers

Car Seats After Infant Carseat

Hi, Our 10 mo (soon to be 11 mo) old son is growing out of his infant car seat and we're looking for a next one. However, I'm a bit confused. After the infant car seat, do we move on to a "convertible" car seat? Why are these car seats named "convertible"? Do they serve two functions? Or does it mean it can serve as an infant car seat and a toddler car seat, and if we used a separate infant car seat, we'll be wasting money on one function that we will not use? If that's the case, is there another kind of car seats that starts at where...

Diapers & Diaper Changing

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115 answers

Diapering Through the Night?

Hi everyone! My 8 month old is mostly sleeping through the night (yea!!!) but, a fair amount of the time, he wakes up with his clothes soaked in urine. poor guy!! I'm using Huggies disposable diapers, size 4. He weighs about 18 lbs, so the diapers are one step up already (the box says 22lbs) What else can I use to keep him dry through the night? Thanks!


Baby Gear Questions

Hi beautiful mommies and soon to be mommies! We still have some "big" baby...

Sleeping Habits

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16 answers

Is There a Way to Fit 3 Carseats in a Car??

I have another question for you mamas :) I am pregnant with #3 and have a '07 honda accord sedan. Am I going to be able to fit 3 carseats in the back or do I have to go trade it in for a minivan? lol. My toddlers current seats seem too big to fit with an infant seat - one is a graco and the other is evenflo - does anyone have 3 seats that fit nicely? They will be 3 and 4 when the baby comes with approx. weights of 28 and 34. Thanks!!