Fitness: Preschooler

Results 141-150 from 25,653 articles

3 Year Old Sleeping and Discipline Issues

I.S. asks from Philadelphia

My 3 year old has always been wonderful with sleeping and relatively well behaved prior to the birth of our daughter (less than 2 weeks ago :). He adores his little ...


Bicycle for 4 Year Old?

K.M. asks from Kansas City

Our son will be 4 next month and we are considering buying him a bicycle for his birthday. Are most 4 year-olds ready for a bike or should we wait? I've known 3 yea...


3 Year Old Testing Everything!!

M.O. asks from San Francisco

My 3 year old daughter has been saying and doing the complete opposite of what I tell her or ask her to do. I will ask her to please put her shirt on and she will tel...


3 Year Old Bad Language

B.L. asks from Charlotte

How can i get my 3 year old to stop repeating bad language? We don't use bad language in our house but bout 2 weeks ago, he was choking on a toy and i panicked. I ...


Bedtime Troubles with 3 Year Old Boy

M.J. asks from Minneapolis

Hi! HELP! Our 3 year old son will not stay in his bed at bedtime. We have a relaxing bedtime routine and are consistent with an 8pm bedtime. He has been in his toddle...


3-Year Old Has a HUGE Attitude!

L.J. asks from Johnstown

My 3 year old is really giving me a hard time! She doesn't do it so much for her Dad. I try to give her my full attention when we get home in the evening and I list...


Disipline HELP for a 3 Year Old!!!

D.H. asks from Boise

Hi ladies! I am in serious need of advice. We have a 3 year old boy who is 100% disobedient. He will look at us and say "no" to all of our parenting requests. He see...


My 4 Year Old Is Wearing Me Down!

J.M. asks from Huntington

I have a 4 year old daughter, she will be 5 on November 26... I am lost as what to do... She will not listen, I tell her to do something and she flat out tells me no!...


Allowance for 4 Year Old

K.H. asks from Phoenix

My husband and I are tossing around the idea of giving our 4 year old an allowance. I would like to start formalizing some chores for her and I would also like her t...


How to Keep 3 Year Old from Working Herself into a Frenzy

C.L. asks from Los Angeles

My 3 year old daughter does not like the idea of being away from me. Each day she asks what we will do the next day. If our plans include her being apart from me, e...