Fitness: Myself, Maalox

Results 21-30 from 213 articles


A.S. asks from Albany

Is there anyone who's child is on ELECARE formula?? I was wondering mine has food allergies and needs to be on this. However, she has been very very fussy. We can'...


Diaper Rash Dilema!!!

A.B. asks from Canton

hi ladies... a severe diaper rash is taking over my son and i'm all out of ideas. i have tried everysinge type of diaper rash cream i can find. i am letting him run ...


Causes of Diarrhea

C.E. asks from Knoxville

My son just turned one this month. He's awesome, walking and chatting away. However, we are going on 4 days of diarrhea. My poor kid. It started Saturday and show...


Worst Diaper Rash Ever!!!

M.B. asks from Providence

My son has had diaper rash on amd off for the last couple of weeks. He gets it whenever teeth come in and he has 2 at the moment coming down. We have been using bal...


Diaper Rash

S.S. asks from Omaha

My son typically has 1 poopy diaper per day. Yesterday he had 5 poopy diapers and 3 today. Not quite diarrhea but really mushy (sorry if thats gross) which started to...


Diaper Rash

B.Z. asks from Chicago

alright mommies, my daughter is 13 months old and is on Augmentin for a double ear infection (the amox. didnt work) its making her have alot of bm's and now she has a...


Diaper Rash

K.T. asks from New York

My 2 year old daughter has developed a horrible diaper rash and is extremely uncomfortable. It is painful to look at so I could only imagine how she feels. She has ...


Diaper Rash with Bumps?

T.B. asks from Jacksonville

My 21 month old has developed a bad diaper rash today. It is little red bumps and she says it itches. Is this a yeast infection? she does not have a discharge. I use ...


Help..... 6 Week Old Wont Sleep.

S.K. asks from Buffalo

hi moms i am very sleep deprived as i write this..... my 6 week old (today) has not slept for more than a 40 min span in three days and nights. even when holding him...


Severe Sickness in Second!

M.M. asks from Springfield

This is my second pregnancy, and I'm 8 weeks along today. It seems like the moment I found out, I started getting sick. I was very ill throughout my last pregnancy,...