Family Law: Toddler, Teddy Bears

Results 11-20 from 46 articles

Is This Weird? How to Handle This? Any Adopting/adopted Moms Out There.

J.K. asks from Mansfield

My sister in law called me today and asked if I thought it would be weird to throw her a baby shower when she was not expecting. She has been trying fertility treatme...


Gift Ideas for the New Baby to Give Its Big Brother at the Hospital...

M.G. asks from Chattanooga

Hello ladies, I am expecting my second child in about 8 weeks and everyone keeps telling me that the new baby needs to have a gift for its Big Brother at the hospita...


Seeking Inexpensive Christmas Ideas:

C.S. asks from Medford

I know, right? Christmas already? LOL I was just in the spirit I guess. So, my family is huge into gift giving. Everyone buys for everyone! That is 11 neices and ...


Too Much Princess?

J.M. asks from Boston

My parents watch my 2 year old two days a week and are great with her. They have more than just a occasional grandparent role in her life and have a big influence on ...


Help with Sleeping Through the Night Please

J.W. asks from Medford

I have a 15 month old & a 3 year old that share a room. My 3 year old is in a toddler bed & can get out. My 3 year old will wake about 2 times a night & will need me...


Daughters Birthday

C.G. asks from Houston

My daughter is going to be turning 1 in about 2 months (WOW, its past by so fast). My MIL is a big party planner and wants to know what "theme" I want for her birthd...


Kids Sharing Room

M.H. asks from San Francisco

Hello Mamas, I have two questions, please help! I'm expecting a little boy in September and he will be sharing a room with my 3 1/2 year old step-daughter. I n...


Airline Travel with a 2 1/2 Year old...Yikes!

D.H. asks from Charleston

I asked this question at the beginning of September and got no responses...maybe I will have better luck the second time! Does anyone that has traveled recently by ...


Looking for Suggestions Where to Go: 3.5 Year Old with Multiple Sleeping Issues

T.A. asks from Detroit

My 3 1/2 year-old son has never slept well. It is getting absolutely ridiculous as of late. He fights going to sleep, particularly at night, most times for naps too...


Preparing Children For/coping with Impending Death of Grandma/mom from Cancer

T.D. asks from Salt Lake City

How have you dealt with caring for a parent struggling with terminal cancer (or any illness, for that matter) and helping your children prepare for their death? How ...