Eating Habits & Schedule: Infant, Meijer

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31 answers

Breastfeeding Problems with Teething Baby

My daughter has been fussy lately with feeding. Until about a month ago, she always needed to nurse for at least 30-40 minutes at a time (at about 3-hour intervals), and she still feeds for that long sometimes, usually for the first and last feedings of the day. The problem: For most feedings lately, she'll eat for 3-5 minutes, stop to burp, and then fuss and push away from me if I try to put her back to the breast. Sometimes she'll eat for a few minutes on the other breast and then do the same thing. I think she needs to eat more...

Eating Loss of Interest

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30 answers

10 Month Old Refuses to Eat Baby Food!!

I got such positive feedback on my son's sleeping issue I thought I would ask for advice on his eating baby food issue. He is 10 months old, 11 month on March 27th. He has always been a good eater when it came to babyfood, formula, whatever until about 2-3 months ago. He has 3 mealtimes a day, morning afternoon and evening and snacks inbetween. He is happy before I put him in his high chair to eat, even while I am getting his food ready he is happy, playing with the toys on his tray. I typically give him 3 things to eat, veggies, fruits,...


Sippy Cup Help!

Hi- my 11 month old daughter absolutely refuses to drink from a sippy cup. ...


Breast to Bottle

Hi Everyone! I'm knew to mamapedia and so excited to be a part of it. My...


Baby Refuses Bottle

I'm wondering if anyone has suggestions on how to help my baby "like" the...

Frequency & Amount

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32 answers

Do You Work Around Babies Schedule or Do You Make the Baby Adust to Yours.??

I have a two year old and an 8 month old. Many days we do not leave the house as it is always someones nap time. My 2 year old will only sleep in her bed... my 8 month old will sleep in the car. However I dont think a 20 minute nap in a car is good quality sleep. A friend told me that she just takes her kids wherever she is going regardless of the time of day and if it is naptime.. The kids have to adjust to moms life and schedule.. I have just found that dragging tired kids all over town is just a recipe for disaster. I think sleep...