Other mommies have said that if your baby is hungry she will take a bottle, I do not agree at all. My second baby would not take a bottle AT ALL from anyone. He would just cry and cry until he fell asleep, in their arms for a few minutes and then wake up and cry some more. He went a long time without any milk. It was heartbreaking. I was only able to leave without him when absolutly necessary. Thankfully my sister-in-law would watch him and would breastfed him when he refused the bottle for her. He gladly accepted her milk! I think this only happened twice so I totally understand wanting some alone time!!
After trying every trick I could think of my son accepted the BreastFlow bottle. It has two nipples and releases milk like the breast. I'd pump milk and then put it directly into that bottle to begin feeding. Buy the little bottle cause she will want to turn her head close to you like she does when breastfeeding. Squeeze the nipple to get the milk started but the most important trick is to time it right. Too hungry and she'll get frustrated, not hungry enough and she'll look at you like "you are nuts, I'm not drinking that!" Be patient, lots of smiles and do whatever you do when nursing. Sit in the same chair, rub her head the same way, play with her feet. Just try to keep everything the same except the bottle. I had to enlist daddy cause I ran out of hands. He rubbed his head for me while I held him and the bottle. I couldn't believe it but it actually worked! I learned my lesson with that baby and started using the bottle much earlier with my third baby, same technique, same bottle and it went pretty smoothly.
As for the pacifier, my daughter is 3 1/2 months and she just started taking one about a week ago!! I thought I'd bought just about every brand there was but then I found one made by Playtex that had a more normal shape and was latex. It looks like a butterfly on the outside but is the shape of your nipple not any funny looking shape. If you are interested I'll let you know what kind it is, just email me.
I always breastfeed back to sleep at that age, even when they are not hungry. Nothing is more comforting that breastfeeding. Sorry, probably not the answer you wanted to hear.
Best wishes!