My 5 yo had PE tubes placed about 1 1/2 yrs ago. A few months after he had them, he got some bad ear infections that required several suctioning sessions and differe...
I just responded to another post which I will copy and paste to help explain....
"My son is going through the same thing. Last October [when he first started dayca...
Hello, just wondering if anyone has had a similar experience w/ their child. My older son-5, had his first seizure the day after Christmas. Turns out he had a doubl...
My 18mo old little girl is sick AGAIN!! She has been sick once a month for the past 3 months. She had ear tubes put in at the end of June and that seemed to help thin...
I am a stay at home mom of a 6 month old son. For some odd reason we keep getting colds. They will go away and once we think they are gone for good, they come right ...
My Child with in the past 2 or 3 months had have 3 or 4 ear infections/Ruptured, this last time(last night) she was in so much pain she had the whole house in tears. ...
Hi, I have an 11 month old girl who for the past three weeks has been suffering from some type of sickness. I have taken her to her pediatrician 4 times in the past t...
Hey moms! My daughter will be 4 months on Easter. For the past several months she would wake only 2 times during the night consistently around 1 and again around 5 ...
My 18 month old daughter has a ear infection along with a cough. She refuses to take her medicine. I know it sounds ridiculous that two grown adults can not get a 18...
I have a six month old girl and she seems to constantly have a cold. She had a cold for two weeks, then two days with no symptoms then another week of cold symptoms. ...