Diapers & Diaper Changing: Joovy

10 answers

Opinions on a Sit N Stand Stroller

I have a son who will be 3 at the end of February and I just had a daughter 3 1/2 weeks ago. I had been thinking about getting the Baby Trend Sit n Stand LX stroller. My husband thinks that I just want one to 'spend money' but I'm the stay at home mom who does everything, so he hasn't a clue what he's talking about. When the weather is nice (before baby), my mom and I would take my son different places and such. I always took my stroller regardless of whether he walked or not because it carried all our stuff and was a convenient diaper...

Diaper Bags

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7 answers

Joovy Caboose Stroller Opinions

I am looking at the Joovy caboose stroller for my 3 yr old and 15 month old. The reviews are pretty much 50/50 as to likes and dislikes. Anyone here have one and if so do you like/dislike it? I have a BabyJogger double that I love, but I am looking for something more compact to keep in my car all the time. My 3 year old gets tired easy so I can't rely on him walking for long distances, plus my 15 month old weighs about 27 lbs, so I can't carry him for long distances. Any opinions would be appreciated. Thanks


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46 answers

Best Advice on the Eve of Having a Second Child

My son will be 23 months when his baby brother is born this fall. That means I'll have two boys, both in diapers, and dang, that statement has me tired just typing it. My question for all you mothers of more than one--especially mothers of kids spaced within 2 years and mothers of boys--is this: what is the one single best piece of advice you could give to a person like me? I'm open to the practical and philosophical. What was the one thing that helped you the most? Even if it's a product and not advice, I'd love to hear about it.