Diapers & Diaper Changing: Infant, Desitin

Results 51-60 from 164 articles

Cloth Diapers & Powder?

M.D. asks from Houston

Hello Moms~ My first daughter is 6 weeks old and has diaper rash. We own a bunch of cloth diapers and have already tried them out and like them. However she has had a...


HORRIBLE Diaper Rash! HELP :(

3.B. asks from Cleveland

My one year old has developed terrible diaper rash. Bright red, lots of bumps, raw. He has been having diarrhea for a few days. I think because he's teething, with a ...


Could It Be Diaper Rash??? Help!

R.P. asks from St. Cloud

Hello knowledgable ladies! My stomach is suddenly in a knot this evening and I may even call the pediatrician. My 3 year old girl (still not potty trained, it's a p...


Cloth Diapers for a Giant Baby

M.P. asks from Provo

I am transitioning over to cloth diapers, but my son is huge! He's 26 lbs and only 7 months. I know he'll slow down with the gaining as he starts being mobile, but I'...


Nasty Diaper Rash

B.G. asks from Fort Wayne

My daughter is almost 20 months old. She's had the upper respritory cough and congestion for a little while and is cutting her canine teeth, so when she developed th...


Diaper Rash with New Diaper

D.S. asks from Dayton

Hi fellow Mommies. I have a question concerning my almost 1 year old daughter. She just learned to crawl at Christmas and my husband decided that since she was crawli...


Can You Use Diaper Rash Ointment with Cloth Diapers?

C.N. asks from Denver

I am due June 26th with my second baby, and have decided to switch to cloth diapers. I did a lot of research on the types of diapers and what I felt fit our lifestyle...


The D. Rash That Won't Go Away

S.S. asks from Dallas

I have recently started cloth (AIO) diapering my 16 month old and she has a horrible rash that just won't go away. At night, I put her in her Huggies and slather her...


New to Cloth Diapers and Need Some Help Please

K.J. asks from Nashville

I have recently started using cloth diapers on my 16 month old. We have been going back and forth between cloth and disposables for almost 2 months now. I have two ...


Severe Diaper Rash

J.S. asks from Dallas

Moms - I need your help! My son cannot wear Pampers pull-ups and when he does he breaks out into severe diaper rash and it looks awful! I have told his teachers, ma...