Diapers & Diaper Changing: First Response

85 answers

C- Section Terror

I just found out that my baby is breech, and i'm having a c-section next tuesday. I'm scared b/c don't know what to expect. My mind was on natural birth. I don't know if I will be needing lots of help with baby (thinking that im not going to be able to stand up) and how to take care of me. Thanks


What Would You Say?

I ran into a friend that I see off and on at the library. She has 3 kids-the...

Bowel Movements

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47 answers

Baby's Poo Burned Her Bottom :(

My 15month old daughter had a poo that burned her bottom so badly there are even 2 small spots where the skin is a little broken from blistering. Has anyone experienced this?There were no new or acidic foods and she's not sick, I'm not sure what could have caused it. It happened late yesterday afternoon at daycare, and when I got her home to bathe her she couldn't even sit in the water and cried from pain, it was awful. I put lots of diaper cream for the night and this morning it was better, it also seemed to be healing throughout the day....


Use of Miralax

Hi, My 2 1/2 year old has been having problems with bowel movements. We...


Strong Smelling BM

I called my daughter's pediatrician today, and they say they have never been...

Diaper Rash

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6 answers

Need Pediatric Dermatologist And/or Ped. Allergist Recommendations

Hi moms, My 2 1/2 year old son has been on Pulmicort for asthma since Sept. He recently was able to stop the nebulizer treatments. During the course of treatment, he sometimes had a slight rash around his face. Now that he no longer takes it, the rash has become worse and has extended to his cheeks and sometimes his forehead. We are thinking that he has been allergic to something this whole time but that the steroid suppressed it. The pediatrician has given us two prescription creams that have not worked. They have been so harsh and...


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12 answers

Advice About Cloth AIO or Pocket Diapers

I'm switching from disposables to gdiapers and cloth and can't decide about which cloth AIO diapers to use. I'm considering Happy Heinys, bumGenius, BerryPlush, etc. Anyone have experience or advice? BTW...I know that disposables (which are still in rotation while I' trying things out) sitting in landfills cannot possibly be a better alternative to what I'm doing. gdiapers biodegrade in less that 2 months vs. at LEAST 200 years for disposables.


Pull-ups or Panties?

My almost 2 1/2 year old is ready to potty train I think. She is showing...