Diaper Disposal: The First Years

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23 answers

Best Odor Reducing Diaper Pail?

What is the best diaper pail to reduce odors? We currently have the Diaper Champ, but the smells come out every time we add another diaper. I've tried adding baking soda in the liner & odor freshners. After a day, it's bad again. Since we're soon to have 2 babies in diapers, I'd really like to find one that works better.


Stinky Diaper Pail

I have been using a Diaper Champ since my son was born 10 1/2 months ago. I...

Diaper Pail Products

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32 answers

Stinky Diaper Pail

I have been using a Diaper Champ since my son was born 10 1/2 months ago. I have tried spray disinfectant and deodorizers. I have washed it with bleach and let it air out for a day. I've tried "odor control" plastic bags inside. The pail still stinks really strongly and makes his whole nursery an unpleasant place to breathe. Does anyone have a method to remove odor from diaper pails? Has the smell permeated it so deeply that I have to ditch it and buy a new one? Are there any diaper pails out there that actually stay stench free? ...