Hi. I wasn't sure what category to put this in. I'm seeking opinions from moms with two or more kids. I'm debating on whether to take my 3 yo son (first born and only...
I went with my best friend to her OB visit today b/c she had bleeding. She and her husband have been trying to get pregnant for 2 years and went on fertility treatmen...
I have just been told I am pregnant with fraternal twins. Do not know what to expect. I do know it is a high risk pregnancy, I am aware of that and scared as well. Bu...
My 7 year old was recently diagnosed with migraines. She has all the classic signs of migraines(the same as I have....light sensitivity, intense pain, seeing spots)....
I just found out I have an underactive thyroid and it was probably like that during my pregnancy. Could this have affected my baby (who's now 9 months old) in any wa...
I am just 10 weeks pregnant and while using the bathroom I noticed a light pink blood mixed with discharge when I wiped. It certainly was enough to worry me. I have h...
Let me preface this with the fact that I will discuss this with my doctors but I was hoping someone has maybe gone through this or will have some knowledgable input.
I have an ultrasound scheduled for tomorrow and I'll be attending by myself as my husband is out of town on business. He is due to come in tomorow evening and meet u...