By Car: Toddler, Baby Einstein

Results 21-30 from 103 articles

Help! Car Seat Anxiety

S.G. asks from Reno

I have a 3 month old baby girl who is getting over a major case of colic, but now has now gotten an extreme aversion to her car seat. Whenever she is put into her car...


Car Seat Crier

K.L. asks from Phoenix

My son is almost 2 months old and HATES his car seat. We live in Phoenix so it is hot in the back of the car facing backward (this may be a source of the problem). Mo...


10 Hour Car Trip

B.S. asks from St. Louis

I am hoping someone out there has an idea on how to occupy a 17 month old on a 10 hour car ride. I have already thought of driving through the night. Fortunately I ...


Help My Daughter Hates Her Car Seat

S.E. asks from Orlando

My daughter is 14 weeks old and hates her car seat. We have tried everything from sitting in the back with her, a toy bar, playing lively music to ignoring her. She j...


Need Advice on Taking a Road Trip with a 14 Month Old

S.K. asks from Dallas

We are about to take a 10 hr trip with my 14 month old son. I am very nervous about it. The last thing I want is to be stuck in a car with ten hours of screaming. ...


Driving Alone with 13 Month Old

M.G. asks from Biloxi

Although this will not be my first trip alone with my son, it is the first since he as been forward-facing and ACTIVE! It is a miracle if we get to daycare and home...


Bored at Home with a 14 Month Old

M.C. asks from La Crosse

Hi, moms! I'm a SAHM with a 14 month old son. My husband and I share 1 car. He works a lot, so he normally has the car. His shifts are either beginning or ending ...


Keeping 1 Yr. Old Entertained in Car

R.A. asks from Indianapolis

I was wondering how other moms keep their small kids entertained in the car on long trips. I usually sit in the back with my daughter and keep handing her new toys b...


Infant Cries Hysterically in Car Seat HELP!

M.O. asks from Dallas

My daughter is 10 weeks old and weighs approx 12 - 13 lbs; she becomes hysterical in her car seat. We have the Graco metrolite Travel System. She becomes agitated w...


Dining Out W/20 Month Old Daughter...

K.D. asks from Jacksonville

I have a 20 month old beautiful, sweet and most of the time VERY well behaved daughter. However, when we go to restaurants she turns into a different child! She bec...