My daughter currently has a Dora the Explorer toddler bed that uses the crib mattress. She's been in it since she was about 18 months old (she'll be 3 years in 3 mont...
My daughter is 2, but she is about 31 1/2" tall. We know she is too short for a 12" bike, but I'm wondering how tall is tall enough for these bikes? She always want...
I live in a pretty standard midwestern suburban neighborhood. We had a huge storm during the night so our neighborhood is full of debris, branches, items from yards,...
My daughter's 2nd b-day is just around the corner and we thought she'd really like a play kitchen. The trouble is I am overwhelmed by the choices. Hoping y'all can ...
My four year old daughter is required to wear an eye patch for most of the day. Before it was only a few hours a day. I know I am the parent and must MAKE her wear it...
Ok, long story, but my daughter is three almost four, she will be four in less than a month, and we noticed the last week or so she has been really tired, and not sle...
All of the sudden, our 22 month old daughter won't stay in her crib. Nap time, sleep time...whatever. She gets out in less than 30 seconds and jumps into our bed. ...
My husband lost his job two days before Christmas. In January, we had to move out of the house we were renting. Since then, we have been staying with various friends,...
My daughther is 27 months old--we haven't invested a ton of money into toys because she has been in daycare full-time. With a new baby in the house (8 weeks), we wou...
My daughter is starting kindergarten this fall and I have a few questions for moms of 1st or 2nd grade girls. This may seem strange but what kind of backpacks and lu...