Boy Names

Results 231-240 from 3,240 articles

UPDATE - Baby Names for the New Addition...

C.C. asks from Eau Claire

So I recently asked for help with coming up with a name for our newest addition and received a lot of responses!! I am happy to announce that we have "unofficially" ...


Boy Name Suggestions??

S.M. asks from Springfield

I was just wondering if anyone had any unique boy names they wanted to share. I appreciate all suggestions.


Need Help with Baby Names

M.T. asks from Austin

ok so i am asking you ladies on behalf of my sister in law she is preggers with a little boy that they are going to name Konner and we are trying to find a middle na...


Unhappy Baby Boy

R.M. asks from Portland

So, i am at my wits end here. Hope someone can help me out. I have a 10 week old boy who spits up a lot after every feed. I have tried different nipples, my breast...


Baby Girl Names

M.F. asks from Dallas

I'm asking again on my friends behalf. I posted a few days ago on ideas for a girls name for her and now I'm asking on which one you ladies like better. Emery Em...


Baby Boy Name Poll

J.A. asks from Spartanburg

We are expecting our 3rd and it's a boy. Our other two children have family names, and we would like to keep the tradition. We are thinking of using a greatgrandmot...


Its a Boy!!! NOW....WHAT to NAME HIM????????

H.K. asks from Gainesville

we are having another baby boy! Just found out. We are at a loss for names and had an aweful time naming the first two. My daughter (3) is Madeline H., and my son (1...


Need Baby Boy Name Help!

S.P. asks from Chicago

we are having a fourth boy in December and can't decide on a name. So far we like Gabriel the best. Other names we have considered are Miles, James, Noah, Matthew, Qu...


Disapointed That Baby #2 Will Be a Boy

L.K. asks from Phoenix

I just found out today that my second child, due in April, will be a boy. I've had a really tough time accepting this pregnancy. Long story short, I wasn't sure if I ...