I am thinking about getting my son a bike without pedals, since he still does not have the hang of the pedals on his tricycle, and it is frustrating for him.
I fou...
I am planning to buy a bike for myself. I looked on craigslist and realized I have no idea which brand to buy. I know there are bikes at walmart, target etc for les...
Our kids are one and a half and three. They are getting too heavy to carry on our shoulders in backpacks on long hikes! We want to get either bike mounted seats or ...
We are attempting to teach our 2 1/2 yr old son to ride a bike with training wheels. When we push the bike, the pedals do not move. He has to push on them to make t...
Hi, I just wanted to get some input from other parents about when to remove training wheels from your child's bike. My son is almost 6 and some of his friends still u...
My daughter is soon to be 3 and I'm wondering if this is too early to try a small bike with training wheels? Maybe a big wheel would be better? I'll take any sugges...
I have a picky 4 year old son who will not wear his bike helmet for very long because he says it is not comfortable and itchy. Are there any brands out there more or...
So now that we are NOT getting a second American Girl doll for Christmas (see the question I posted before this one!), DD is making a list of other things. One thing...
Hello, my daughter will be 5 soon. We are planning to buy her a bike. My question is, what size??? They have 16, 18 and 20 inch. What size is appropriate for her a...