My 4 year old has recently begun to run the other direction when I try to put her in time out for something she has done. She will run and try to get me to chase her,...
I would like to hear the thoughts and opinions of other mothers about a 3-year old having her toenails painted. Personally, I feel that the chemicals of the polish a...
I have been trying to find literature online on what is the "optimal" age to put a child into art class, but I can't find any, so turning to wisdom of Moms out there ...
Hi there. We are having a "Glamour" Birthday party for my little 3 year old Glamour Girl. She LOVES nail polish and lipstick and dressing up. Anyways, I have alrea...
Hi Moms, what are 4 years old playing with these days? My daughter is little so I need some advice on what to buy a 4 year old girl for her birthday that she will lik...
I am half worried about posting this question because I am not sure I want to read all the responses... please be gentle with me!
My son is 3 years and 3 months ol...
Hi - my daughter loves painting - it's her favorite activity at preschool and at home. We have tons of beautiful art from her, but don't know what to do with it all!...
Help. My 4 year old is very bright but hates to practice counting or anything academic. he has trouble saying "thirteen" and often pronunces his "th" as "f" so coun...
What does your 3 year old do all day? My DD doesn't seem interested in anything. I have tried to initiate activities and let her do that on her own, and she still see...
My daughter is 3 years old, at around age 2 she satrted having a very vivid imagination. One day we were on the back deck and she told me "A purple blue eyed good gir...