I have never tried the Zumba workout DVD but I go to Zumba classes and love them! If you can find a class where the teacher doesn't mind if you don't do everything right as long as you move it is great :)
Do you have any recommendations?
I want to start doing some exercise as it is impossible to go out in this Wisconsin winter weather but I do not know where to start... I cannot afford nor have space for workout equipment.
I have done yoga through my pregnancy and really liked it. I also walk and bike when the weather is nice (I commute to work by bike when the weather allows).
I eat good, I am of normal weight but have a cholesterol problem (bad genes). My doctor suggested some exercise may help lowering the cholesterol so I am looking for ways to stay active during winter.
Any recommendations? I heard Zumba is fun but the DVDs look pretty expensive. Are they worth it?
I have never tried the Zumba workout DVD but I go to Zumba classes and love them! If you can find a class where the teacher doesn't mind if you don't do everything right as long as you move it is great :)
I spend a lot of time in fitness classes and tried Zumba at my gym and didn't like it at all. I did break a little bit of a sweat but did not feel like it was a good workout. I just felt like it was a good time but not doing anything to help my body. When I try a new class I expect to feel a different effect and I tried it multiple times.
I really like doing pilates and I used to do Winsor pilates before I went to the gym.
Do you have digital cable or satelite? There is a channel called "FIT TV" I LOVE LOVE LOVE Zumba, but I do it at the Y. Trying it on tv first might save you some money.
not sure about zumba but I used that core rythems dvds. They were about $40 and worked great for me. Jana Kunitz it AWESOME!
You should enjoy the Zumba. I love Billy Blanks' Tae Bo dvds. You should be able to find lots to try out at the library.
You should enjoy the Zumba. I love Billy Blanks' Tae Bo dvds. You should be able to find lots to try out at the library.
You should enjoy the Zumba. I love Billy Blanks' Tae Bo dvds. You should be able to find lots to try out at the library.
I've never done Zumba, but I love the 10 Minute Solutions DVDs I've tried and Jennifer Nicole Lee DVDs. Denise Austen is good but I have to turn the volume down because she's too perky for me. I recommend checking out amazon.com and finding some in your price range, then checking the trainer out on YouTube to see if you can "stand" him or her. I've saved myself some risky DVD purchases by realizing I would be throwing my dumbbells at the tv screen. You could also try checking some out from your library to see if you like them. I tried Kelli Roberts' Kickboxing for Dummies and liked her so got the 10 Minute Solution Kickboxing DVD she did. A lot of workout DVD producers have websites with trailers for the DVDs, too, so you can preview them that way. I like anything that works up a sweat in 30 minutes or less (since that is all I have). Someday maybe I'll cough up the $$ for P90X, but not until I have the time to do it, and I'm probably better off just running anyway. :)
I like Cathe Friedrich DVDs.