The best and most useful advice I can give to you is to take care of yourself first so that you can be there for your child, a happy mom is a happy child. It is so important that you get your rest and begin taking good physical care of yourself. Working mom's have to leave the PERFECT wife, mother concept behind. In order of priority your home can be little messy most homes with young children are.....your home is to be lived in and played in now. Keep it simple, clean once a week and pick up at the end of the day before going to bed, get your hubby to help you! See if there is a mothers helper (even a young 13 yr old that likes playing with babies) they will like the little money ($3-5 hr) will be a great help, someone from your neighborhood for a few hours while you get things done, try and stay organized, sleep when baby sleeps. As soon as that baby goes down for the night, go to bed! Don't worry it will get better, but do not try to be everything to everyone all the time, it does not work that way. Let your husband know you need to sleep and rest and get him to team up with you as much as possible. Hubby's usually do not do things exactly like you would, but not accepting his help if offered is a mistake. Relax a little and enjoy your time with your child accept things are not perfect, kids do not need a playmate every minute. Kids need love, and acceptance, and nurturing, and for mom to be cheerful just do that. Learn to not be so set in your ways and accept change, that is the biggest lesson I have learned as a mother! Good luck.