I am a SAHM with 3 children. My oldest 2 are 10years and 4 years go to school but the baby (18 months) is home with me. My husband also works the 11PM to 7am shift and it leaves me to parent 24/7! He is home during the day but does very little. He will do dishes about 1 to 2 times a week, do his laundry (because if he doesn't I don't either and he likes clean underwear!!!) and he will help with dinner (I am a terrible cook and he likes meals more than hotdogs and mac-n-cheese)! He spends a lot of time in front of the TV and sleeping. He often complains of how tired he is but "forgets" that the baby still gets up minimune 2x a night and often more than that. I live in a constan state of exhaustion.
With my husband I have found that I do what I can and leave the things that truelly don't matter.(IE: toys on the floor) alone. If he complains a simple I did is much as I can today will have to do. As for his laundry if you have a washer and dryer in the house and he knows how to use it put his stuff in a basket and walk away!!! He will either do it or have no clean laundry rather quickly. Also make time for YOU! I just recently started going out to lunch 1 day a month with my friends and it is amazing how wonderful that is even only 1x a month. I leave the baby home with the hubby and leave (lunch is minimum 2 hours when I do!) Get some friends,or a group that you can have play dates with for both you and the Lo. GET OUT OF THE HOUSE!!!! Even if it is just to walk the mall, local track or a quiet road get out!!!! It will do a world of wonders for your mental state and be good exercise for you as well. The LO will benefit too!
As for the kids toys pack 1/2 away in a big bin somewhere. In a month or two get them out, pack the other half away! It makes a world of difference. This way they actually play with them rather than just dump and move on.
I have had to "force" my husband to help at times (like leaving his laundry) but he should get the point sooner or later. When your not fighting tell him what you are feeling. It may not work but men are CLUELESS!!!! They don't "just get it", or "just know" write it out for him a list of ways he can help you and his family. Make a to do list for yourself to so he sees what you do in a day. Include on there "play" time with the baby, lunch prep and eat time and all the many "little" things that go into running a house. My husband never sees me clean the garbage can but without doing it once in a while it would stink!
As a stay at home mom our husbands (and other) figure the house should be spotless, laundry always done and dinner proptly at 5 but they don't think about the baby "time". How many times do we start 1 job only to have to leave it undone until we get back to it because a baby needs a diaper change, a hug, to be entertained, fed, the list goes on."Baby Time" as I call it is a whole new world. Plan a day with some friends, go out and leave Dad with baby with a list of things that have to get done (laundry, dishes, showers, meals) and see what he thinks when you get home. He might have a new appreciation for you!!!!!
God Bless and hang in there! A.