1) Do not buy more "stuff" just because you have a house now. Consider, then REconsider EVERYTHING you bring into your home, if it is not consumable (food, toilet tissue, papertowels, charcoal for the grill). ANYTHING that will need to be PUT somewhere... think long and hard before you buy/bring it into your home. THIS is where clutter starts... Clutter is the single biggest time waster. Even storage bins, if not carefully thought out, can become more clutter.
2) Pick two days a week (whatever days you want) and set the timer for 20 minutes. Spend 20 minutes (until the timer goes off) doing ONLY cleaning--- no clutter rearranging allowed--- just clean. Scrub toilets, spray/wipe mirrors, sweep floors, run the vacuum. Stop. Have a glass of cold water, use the bathroom, then set the timer for 10 more minutes, and finish that one last thing that you REALLY needed to get done.
3) during the week... have your kids empty their dirty clothes into the laundry room (and you do this also) every other day or so... then sort everything so that all you have to do is toss a load into the washer and let it run, while you are making dinner, eating dinner, watching an episode of Jeopardy! with the family, whatever... Toss it into the dryer when done. Fold/hang put away the load before you go to bed. Do NOT leave the load in the dryer. That is my pet peeve... because as surely as you do... you will end up running another load of wash and go to put it in the dryer and there will be the last load still in there! urg!
4) Teach your little ones to help. They can match up socks out of the dryer, or carry a stack of shirts to their room. The 3 yr old can take his/her plate to the kitchen counter when they are done with dinner, and help put away their own clothes. It can be fun if you challenge them. ("I bet I can put my Tshirts away faster than you can put your socks away!... ready...? set....? GO!")