It might be too fast of a flow....or frustrating because it's too slow....?
Some of that is normal, I believe with all bottle feeders. :)
My daughter is 5 weeks old. Lately, she has been pulling away from the bottle but she IS hungry. She pulls away then starts eating again then fussing and pulling away. Has anyone ever had this happen with their baby?
It might be too fast of a flow....or frustrating because it's too slow....?
Some of that is normal, I believe with all bottle feeders. :)
Also check the bottle itself. See what the flow speed of the nozzle is. It may be too fast or too slow. There are different size holes for different speeds. You should be able to see the number on the nipple somewhere, probably on the base.
Maybe too much air trapped/gas in th belly .....try burping and feeding again.
Check to see if she has thrush in her mouth (white spots). It's so NOT a big deal and the doc can give you a antifungal Rx for it to clear if up in a day or two - but it makes their little mouths sore.
i'd get her ears checked out today - the sucking can cause pressure if there's an ear infection. beyond that, maybe get a nipple with a bigger hole in it, maybe she's frustrated that the flow of milk is too slow?
Sometimes they need a moment to rest.
Sometimes to catch their breath.
Sometimes they become distracted.
I used to attempt a burp when she stopped or pulled away, and then started the feeding again.
As other said the nipple could be too fast and she can't keep up and is getting frustrated. Or there is pain in her ears - try getting a slower nipple, see how that works for the day and if no better give the pediatrician a call.
Hope she's ok! Let us know.
You may want to try switching nipples first...or it may be that her teeth are starting to bother her. You may try giving her the cold teething toy before you feed her to see if that'll help her calm the distress coming from her teeth. let me know if this helps......if it doesn't help she may not like the milk and you may have to switch it.....God bless and hope i helped
Perhaps, just the content of the bottle is not likable for her any more?