I was going to say the exact same thing as B - my kids each were given (at some point) their own box of bandaids to have fun with. One decorated my ottoman with her fairy ones.
I'm guessing from your previous post that your 2 year old was getting so much attention for biting and hitting, even if as you say, it was negative attention, that your 4 year old may want some for himself.
We had a little gal that would come over and have a gazillion owies. I said "You get one bandaid per visit" otherwise it was just ridiculous. Her mom made a huge fuss over every bump and scrape, and I didn't. I said here's the sink, and here's the bandaid. She soon lost interest. She just liked attention (what kid doesn't) so I'd just watch their show they'd put on, etc. instead of the attention over being hurt.