Sounds like my son at 2. It could be some sensory issues. Try www.gapsdiet.com or www.gapsme.com. I don't know what medicines he is on, but I would do my best to get him well and off of those meds. If these are sensory issues, the medicines, especially the ones for kids with all the chemicals and sugars, can worsen the problem that may be causing sensory issues.
In the meantime you can get the ARK grabbers and chewy tubes (google these, you'll find then on-line). Have him chew on these for at least 2 xs a day or whenever he wants. Also, for the pinching, you can start with a deep massage starting with the finger tips, up to the sholders, 2 xs a day for 5 minutes. If you want to find out if it is indeed sensory issues, I would call one of the neurodevelopmenalits on this site. www.ican-do.org. They have been very helpful to us.
Let me know if you would like me to share more info about this with you. I've had to learn so much in order to help my son heal from sensory issues.
T. E.