What's Your Weather?

Updated on July 21, 2012
K.P. asks from Tacoma, WA
22 answers

Seems like everyone has been having some CRAZY weather lately huh?

We have been having a lot of thunder, lightening, and rain all morning, and for the past week!

What's your weather been like?

Happy Friday everyone!

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answers from Seattle on

Well, at least summer fell on a weekend this year! (Weekend before last).

Just north of you, we're in rain, thunder, and lightning as well.

Junuary, I'm used to. But Februly is always vexing. Going swimming at the Y, and wearing underarmor (leggings and top) under my long pants and long sleeved shirt, and jacket.

Ugh. The heater just kicked on. Which means its 67 degrees in my house.

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answers from San Francisco on

I'm in the SF Bay Area - working in Fairfield. It's BEAUTIFUL here today. Probably mid to high 80's with a soft breeze. It's gorgeous.

Gotta love the CA weather!

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answers from Dallas on

Hot. It's Texas. Lol.

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answers from Dallas on

No rain in sight and in the 100's for a few days. Normal for TX

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answers from Dallas on

High of 106, and sunny. Hot and sunny every day in the foreseeable future. Pretty typical summer days, in these parts!

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answers from Spokane on

Woke up to an amazing thunder storm and now it's low 70's and very humid!

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answers from Des Moines on

Oh man how I wish I was where you are! I'm in central Iowa and we need rain so badly! Everything is drying up! It hasn't rained in a LONG time and there is no rain in sight...along with the 100s we are hitting next week. It's kind of miserable! We are in a drought and we need the freaking rain!!!

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answers from Bloomington on

We are drying up here in Indiana. We are in an Extreme Drought. The poor crops are in TERRIBLE shape. Someone told me yesterday that they saw a farmer just cutting down his field. The food costs are really going to sore after this summer. And there is a watering ban in several urban towns....the resevoirs are simply drying up. :(

With that said, we've had spotty rain showers the last few days. But it's just a tease. We may get 3-5 minutes of rain at best.

The temps on average are between 95 and 103. Today with the welcomed overcast skies we are at a comfy 78 with humidity.

Enjoy your rain, folks! :)

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answers from Seattle on

At this very moment it is pouring and I've got two whining kids about how we cannot go swimming. Hehe have to love WA summers.

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answers from Seattle on

I'm South West from you, as the crow flies about thirty miles. We live out on one of the many fingers of the Sound.

There's rain, passing in waves, and occasionally a rumble far away. Last night was fantastic. I sat outside in the early A.M., watching the lightning from my driveway and finally, when the rain started in torrents, I took cover under the porch and just sat listening. We're surrounded by forest and the sound of heavy rain hitting the tree leaves is really lovely. This morning I'm glad for the rain. It feels calming.

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answers from Seattle on

Raining right now. bleh.

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answers from Honolulu on

Last night rained.
This morning, it is sunny and about 74 degrees. It will probably get in
the 80's as the day progresses.
The summer has not been very hot here. Unusually.

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answers from Philadelphia on

Its been hot, hot, hot and dry. This last week we have had severe storms - with no rain. Weird. Strange winds, heavy heavy thunder and lightening, no rain.

Last night it finally rained -- buckets. Torrential buckets. The temp dropped 30 degrees in two hours. It hasn't gone back up today.

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answers from Fargo on

Hot and dry. We need rain so very much! A lot of people don't realize this, but Minnesota has almost tropical humidity in the summer time. So we are all sweaty beasts up here in Minn. right now! ;)

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answers from Omaha on

Hot, Humid, Some more Hot, and nooo rain... wanna ship some to iowa for me?

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answers from Grand Forks on

Sunny, hot and humid. Hope it lasts the weekend because we are heading to the waterpark Saturday, then heading out camping Sunday. We had a thunderstorm overnight. The garden and the grass really needed it.

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answers from Seattle on

I'm just happy it's not in the 90s+ like so much of the country. I'll keep our rain! The thunderstorms have been pretty cool!

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answers from Seattle on

Cold with lots of rain. I like thunderstorms, but dang I don't want cold and wet weather after July 12th (the official first day of summer, meteorologically, in these parts). I depend on the summer months (all two of them) to fill up my storage of sun/warmth so I can make it through the rest of the year.

Seriously weird weather here.

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answers from Biloxi on

Deep South reporting in - like 5 miles from the Gulf of Mexico south. LOL
Rainy and overcast for the past couple days. Yesterday, massive thunderstorms mid day. Today, just hearing thunder.

Hmmm, I am off today, I see a nap coming on - love to sleep during the rain.

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answers from Little Rock on

Hot Hot Hot - 90 degrees in the morning up to 105 in the afternoon and back down to 97 in the evening.

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answers from New York on

its been disgustingly hot around here lately.. finally yesterday it rained but was still hot.. today temperature wise its nice out, i enjoy being able to walk outside without sweating my butt off .. however its kinda crappy otherwise.. its lookd like its gna rain all day today but hasnt

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answers from Dallas on

Its july in Texas.... anyone that lives here or has even came close can answer this one! All I can say is I can't wait until october :(

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