Enough of the Heavy Let's Try Some Light

Updated on September 19, 2011
J.S. asks from Green Cove Springs, FL
28 answers

Healthcare, letting people die, not letting people die...I think we need some sunshine around here. That's a good question, do you prefer a completely sunny day, or partly cloudy? If it's super hot I prefer partly cloudy, if there is a nice cool breeze I love a cloudless day.

Yes, I know it's a stupid question, but it can be fun if you make it!

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answers from Los Angeles on

I need to laugh, and when the sun is out
I've got something I can laugh about
I feel good, in a special way
I'm in love and it's a sunny day


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answers from Chicago on

Partly cloudy with a light breeze. I hate having to put on sunscreen and my farmer's tan is ridiculous! I am so happy that I can finally wear a sweater again, with my shorts (and yes, my pasty white Casper the friendly ghost legs.)

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answers from Pittsburgh on

I prefer a sunny, but not too hot day with a nice medium breeze.
It's a better day (in my mind) if I know that people who need/want/don't have health care can get it.

Also, this question and it's timing are so ironic....kind of like changing the subject for the past 30 years as health care spun out of control while we (the lucky, health-covered ones) strolled in the sunlight!

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answers from Phoenix on

Well, I'm in Hell, I mean, AZ, so I would prefer any kind of cloudy over the bright hot sun we get consistantly in the summers! (I live here for the winter..can you tell??!!)

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answers from Minneapolis on

Fall in Minnesota is my favorite! I love a sunny or partly cloudy cool day. Today is in the 50s and partly cloudy.

Thanks for the lightness! I also love running this time of year, and last week I turned my ankle and sprained the ligaments right below my knee, so I'm missing out of 4-6 weeks of great running weather! It's been hard to keep my spirits up and hard to concentrate on my work, becaue a workout is so necessary for me to have mental focus... Aack! Enough whining!

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answers from Philadelphia on

ummm my question was light and thats the issue...lol...ummm i love sunny and hot, like a sauna=) and i still put the heat on in the car..i have low iron and blood pressure so some people say i have no blood when i turn the heat on in the summer and to that i say YOU ARE CORRECT=)

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answers from San Francisco on

I like a sunny, but not hot day.

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answers from Dallas on

I love a sunny day.

We have finally broken the 70 days of over 100 and it is very nice now in our area (Plano, North of Dallas) I am enjoying my convertible now and letting my hair blow in the wind with the stereo blasting.



answers from Miami on

I like a Sunshine hot day with No Humidity I love rain also but only at night The only time i like clouds r in pictures!



answers from Chicago on

Since my hair is cooperating with no humidity and cooler temps...I like sunny, cooler breezy days...You should see what I look like when I am melting LOL


answers from Houston on

I always prefer clouds, here in Texas you can get a sunburn in November.


answers from Iowa City on

I like breezy days....whether they be cloudy, partially cloudy or sunny. I also like cool, rainy days. But to answer your actual question. I prefer clouds. A cloudless blue sky is lovely but I can't find shapes in it with my 4 year old. We saw a cloud shaped like a shark the other day and there was much excitement.



answers from Miami on

Living in Miami, in the summer, a partly cloudy day is ALWAYS welcomed! Now that the temperatures are staying to get to the 80s and below, a sunny day is becoming more and more attractive. I love the way the water looks with the sun hitting on it. My ideal situation? Somewhere around the 60s-70s with a clear sky. This is THE perfect weather in my eyes and the 8 block walk around downtown and the outdoor malls during lunch break actually becomes possible, without sweating. This also makes for perfect convertible weather like someone else said below. ;)


answers from Minneapolis on

Its cool (58* according to my phone), overcast and cloudy, light breeze. A perfect fall day to me. My windows are mostly open, cats are sitting in windows and patio doorways.

We are the type to leave central air on from early spring well into fall (I have allergies and we just hate the heat, any humidity, etc. We like an even, cool/cold temp)..so today is great!



answers from Salinas on

I live in the most beautiful place in the world but I am so sick of the bleeping fog I could scream. Sunny day? What IS that?
Our Indian summer is late and if it doesn't come soon I'm going to have to blow our savings on a tropical vaca!!!



answers from Washington DC on

I love fall in DC - blue skies and sunny, high 60s to low 70s. If it must be hot, but overcast, even stormy with a breeze.

I can't imagine it, but I know plenty of people who actually love the heat and worship the sun. My Mom would be happy if it was 90 all the time. Ugh.


answers from St. Louis on

Ya know I was discussing this with someone here earlier. I really prefer light conversations or at least that that contains humor.

I love 60 to 70 degrees, slight breeze and sunny. Not that I am picky mind you. :p



answers from Tampa on

I'm with you on preferring partly cloudy for a hot day, cloudless on a breezy day! Though sometimes I don't mind if it rains, because that's an awesome time to take a nap! ;)


answers from Kansas City on

Sunny days! All the way!

But I love a good thunderstorm for sleeping!
ETA: Thanks after some other questions my emotions were running crazy...I did smile and that helped...thank you!


answers from Toledo on

Sunny, 70 degrees and no humidity


answers from Lynchburg on

Hi J.-

I LOVE a sunny...yet crisp cool fall day...with the colours of the turning leaves 'caught' by the sun...

The very air seems easier to breathe...and any problems/concerns seem to melt away with the explosion of colours...

THAT...with a crisp white wine...'heaven'...lol




answers from Dallas on

I live in Texas.....right now I'd love to see a darkened sky with big fat clouds dropping buckets of sweet, wet RAIN!! Lol!

Normally though, I'd prefer a sunny day with a nice gentle breeze. What I like to call......Margaritas on the patio weather. :)



answers from San Antonio on

Lightly breezy with some sun and under 90 degrees for me.

Sorry about the heavy!!



answers from Lincoln on

I can sure love a cloudy day!!! The sun can be nice, but I enjoy fall/winter. After a hot, sunny summer we are having a nice, cool day that is completely cloudy and I LOVE IT! So many people complain and think I'm nuts, but I'm all for cloudy. Now raining all the time I couldn't do. Don't know how people in Seattle do it. :-)


answers from Redding on

Cloudy days are very awesome, I love them!


answers from Cleveland on

I love to look outside and see blue sky and pretty white clouds.
But I am also a photographer, and cloudy and overcast days are sooo much better to take photos in!



answers from Dallas on

Oh thank goodness, I'm coming to your question, all the heavy talk has gotten to me too..... I live in TX where the drought is a bit overboard so I'm longing for a full, dark, overcast day with light snow falling quietly. I want to be bundled up in my house in a cozy sweater and a fireplace crackling. I want fresh baked pumpkin chocolate chip cookies baking to fill the air with a smell that only wraps your mood in warmth that much more. That is what I am prefering right now:)



answers from New York on

Exactly the way it is today... 70 and full sunshine! Welcome Fall!

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