To always trust my instincts. Never let a book or anyone tell me what was best for my children. :-)
Mother's Day is coming up. There are a lot of smart moms on this site, so I was wondering, what's the ONE best piece of advice your mother ever gave you? :-)
To always trust my instincts. Never let a book or anyone tell me what was best for my children. :-)
In high school... "the only bad decision is no decision". Make decisions, live with them and move on... people makes mistakes, it's part of life, it will happen. But doing nothing and not making a decision is the only O. you will regret. it's come in handy as I've grown up!
I gave birth to my son in Oct. and my kids are 19 months apart, so things are very hectic. From the minute my son was born he wailed CONSTANTLY and he still does almost 5 months later. A few months ago I just felt like I couldn't handle it anymore and my mom sent me an email I will never forget: " there is no past, there are no tomorrows, just today! I know it is tough with Bryce and Aubrey but believe time will go by so fast. Bryce does not know that he is supposed to be a L. more self supporting yet. So difficult as it may be, relish that he needs you now and that Aubrey wants to be with you and have your attention, because soon, very soon, you will not be as important to them as they are to you. That is the way of the world. And, it will be so difficult when that happens. I don't mean to sound harsh but just slow down, and really look at Bryce and Aubrey and love them when the get on your nerves, hug them when the crowd you, and kiss them when they cry. It will make you all feel better.
I printed the email and I read it whenever I feel overwhelmed.
Let your children make mistakes - even if you don't agree with them (within reason). Our greatest learning opportunities are from the challenging times in our lives.
Just O.?? That's tough. My advice was echoed by my mom and my grandmothers. They told me that schedules are for meetings, not for babies. Respond to your baby's cues for what they need. They will certainly let you know when it is time to eat, sleep, and play.
"Everyday above ground is a good day" is the thing that made me giggle. This too shall pass...was her more serious thought.
What's yours is mine and what's mine is mine! lol. Seriously though, the O. thing that comes to mind at the moment is to always be thoughtful and giving with others. Selfishness benefits only O. person but kindness benefits everyone. :o)
treat others how you want to be treated.
Follow the golden rule by treating everyone you meet with love and respect...the same way you would want to be treated, no matter how they treat you.
get your life straight-be independant, do it on your own-and when you have achieved this, love will find you......
you cannot control peoples actions, but you surely can control how you react! hated it and didnt understand it all of my life untill i had my daughter. cannot control all the crazy business she gets her 4 year old self into, but i can control how i handle myself about it....now i love it, pops into my head everyday!
Pick your battles and don't sweat the small stuff....both are so true!
Do things that feel right to you, because you are the O. who will have to live with the decision.
Have fun, but don't cost me any money.
If you think about it - it covers a lot.
Never screw on the hand that feeds you
When my daughter was born, my mother reminded me of the best advice she'd been given. Her big sister said that there will be times you want to through your beloved baby out the window. That is normal! Happens to everyone.
Someone else said to her that as a mother, you have to forgive yourself. That was forty-some years ago. Even better advice in this era of ubber moms!
Love and respect yourself first and the rest of the world will follow.