Hi there! My kiddo seems to be catching virus after virus over the last two months. She was well last week but has been starting to cut molars, and then when I picked her up from daycare yesterday afternoon she had a fever. It's gone back and forth between 99-102. No other visible symptoms though. She had the same thing going on today. I gave her motrin and after about 30 mins, her forehead wasn't hot but her hands and feet stayed warm and usually they are cool. I did not retake her temp because she was not lethargic and doesn't appear to be getting dehydrated. She did seem to perk up after she cooled down a little. If she's perkier after the motrin then I let her be. My overall strategy is to use fever reducers during the daytime so she can be comfortable while she's awake and so I can get her to eat and drink. Then at night I just let her sleep and we see what we have the next day.
Another user commented on Roseola. We have been through that one too. The fevers were much higher than 101...we were between 102 and 104 rectal for about three days with minimal letups after the motrin. And when the fever broke the poor thing looked like she had slept in an ant bed with the rash she had.
I would agree with other commenters that you should watch for higher fever and to keep her fluids up. Do whatever you can to make her comfortable enough to drink. If she gets listless, cries without tears, or isn't peeing well (at least a couple of moderately wet diapers within 8 hours) then you need to get medical help. If the fever goes over 102, I personally would at least call the Dr and ask them what their thoughts are. This is likely a virus or it could be teeth, but her body is doing its job by cooking whatever little germies are going on.
A couple of suggestions if things change and you start to panic:
Check with your health insurance if you have coverage-often if you call the number on the back of your card they will have an option to speak with a registered nurse and this is usually free. I cannot tell you how many hundreds of times I have used that service and it's saved my sanity.
If you need to go into urgent care and your regular Dr. isn't taking patients, I would highly recommend AcuteKids if they take your insurance. http://www.acutekidscare.com/ They are fast, use only board certified pediatricians, and provide EXCELLENT care.
Hang in there, M.!!! Good luck!