Dear K.:
I highly recommend Allen. We moved here from Dallas two years ago specifically for the schools. I would recommend the west side of town. You'll have MANY neighborhoods to choose from in your price range.
We moved here when my daughter was in sixth grade, so we only had a year of grade school, but I was impressed by Green Elementary. If you want a newer school, (Green is ten years old), Evans Elementary just opened last year.
My daughter will be an 8th grader next year at Ereckson Middle School and loves it.
The academics and teachers are excellent, but schools are large. That works for my daughter, because her view is it's more potential friends and more music programs to be involved with!
Feel free to contact me if you have specific questions about neighborhoods or schools up here. I work as a crossing guard and volunteer at the middle school, so I do hear about what's going on in the school district.
L. F., married to my best friend for 23 years, and have a straight A student 13 year old daughter