What Are the Fundamental Differences Between Facebook and Twitter?

Updated on September 08, 2015
K.V. asks from Mc Lean, VA
5 answers

I'm helping someone build a marketing campaign that leverages both facebook and twitter to drive leads. What is the simplest way to describe the differences between facebook and twitter and how they can be used for this purposes. I know both services prefer the user to stay on their sites, so how can you approach them (the audiences) in the proper way to drive traffic to your business (and generate leads)?

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answers from Norfolk on

If you Google 'differences between facebook and twitter marketing' you'll get lots of answers.

You know - if you want to ignore a great resource for finding information - you certainly can do so.
Much as I could and often do ignore posts that I have no interest in, you can also ignore answers you feel do not help you.
And I'll answer any post anyway I want to - following site rules more often than not - with nary a by-your-leave thank-you-very-much.
Asking tech/marketing questions here is a lot like using a hammer on a screw - it's not exactly the right tool for the right job.
But hey - hammer away - if that's what spins your prop.
Have a nice day!

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answers from Washington DC on

If you don't know the difference between Twitter and Facebook? You shouldn't be building a marketing campaign - sorry.

Twitter - large following - limited to 140 characters, I believe.
people don't "follow" for days on a thread, it's more instantaneous.
You can go "viral" instantly with Tweeter.

Facebook - connecting with people - I've seen threads stretch for days...
specific pages for causes and businesses.
Create a "Group" for a business cause.

What kind of business do you have?
What kind of leads are you trying to generate?
It helps to know this information.

You MUST know your audience before you choose a "network" to use.

Good luck!

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answers from Oklahoma City on

I don't know many older people who have any desire to do Twitter and don't know a lot of younger people who stick with FB. FB had done a lot of upgrades and tried to improve their facade to interest younger people but the average person on FB is a 45 year old woman who doesn't have to work outside of her home. That's why it's often overrun with ads. These women are targeted as having a spendable potential where Twitter is faced with a young crowd who want what they want when they want it and that's right now and not online.

So they have 2 distinct groups they seem to target.

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answers from New York on

Facebook is more like your public profile as a person in internet, while Twitter is a board where you share quick (140 character-long) thoughts with your followers.

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answers from Salinas on

Haha, you stole my joke B!!!!

I suppose it was your joke all along since you were the subject of the scolding but your gotcha is just what I was going to post.

No hard feelings I hope, K., all in fun. Have a great weekend everyone!

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