Hi All,
As usual thanks for the comments and feedback on Mamapedia.
I thought I would take a minute to explain how Mamapedia does…and doesn’t work with Facebook.
How does Mamapedia work with Facebook?
- We post voices articles to Facebook. These are just links back to the voices blog posts on Mamapedia.
- When commenting on a voices article you can choose to post your comment to Facebook via your own Facebook account. I’m referring to articles from this area of the site:
- Recently we started posting anonymous questions from the site to Facebook. What’s an anonymous question? It’s a question that we choose and remove any personal details from the content before posting it on Facebook.
What’s the purpose of the Mamapedia Facebook page? To introduce Mamapedia to a new audience and drive interest in the site to bring new moms and dads into the great community everyone has built.
How does Mamapedia work with Facebook?
- No user data is passed to Facebook, No login activity, no buttons. It doesn’t matter if you login with Facebook or not, your activity is not posted to Facebook.
- We use Facebook's comment tool on our voices articles page. The comment tool allows you to share your comments on Facebook but does not automatically share them unless you check the "Also post on Facebook" box when you post your comment.
I would like to remind everyone that if you interact with Facebook and share, like, or comment on content that is either posted, shared, liked by Mamapedia, then that might appear to be you associating with Mamapedia - which in fact you would be doing so within the Facebook ecosystem.
In short we do not share any personal data from Mamapedia with Facebook.
Thank you again for your continued feedback.
- Jake
"Jake, can you explain how and why D. B.'s real information from MP appeared on FB? Is it because she is an FB member? I am not and never have been. I cannot access MP via FB ever. Does that mean my actual name can't appear on FB when MP does these "anonymous" posts to FB? Is the risk only to those who are members of both MP and FB? I do get that MP has rights to use our material, but until you resolve the issue with D.'s full, real name appearing on FB -- many of us are going to be highly skeptical about continuing to use MP any more. See Starr's post."
Mel B., no we can't explain that simply because we can't verify it. We have had a number of people here try and verify that D. B.'s information is on facebook - and we can't. As I stated above when post any information on Mamapedia it is not posted to facebook - simply put that technology does not currently exist on the site. One place she does mention seeing her 'friends' is in the comment area of the voices pages. That area is integrated with facebook as I mentioned in my original posting via the facebook commenting plugin. Additionally within that comment area facebook technology will show you your friends as a priority. So you might easily assume because you are seeing your facebook friends "On Mamapedia" that it's Mamapedia linking things together, but that's the facebook comment tool.
Also, I'd like to ask that generally rather than making broad assumptions people continue to provide feedback as we strive to improve the experience. Please remember that Mamapedia has had many travels, and we are working diligently to get things in order to provide a new, streamlined and transparent experience.