Hi Robbiesmom---Your body type is your body type and it is going to stay that way no matter how much you work out. You cannot spot train a certain area to lose more weight in one spot. Having said that, I have a couple of questions.
Have you considered weight training? Having fit muscles helps to lose inches as well. Keep in mind that muscle takes up less room than fat, so at first, it may seem like you are gaining weight. The best way to track weight loss and improved muscle tone is by how your clothes fit. Toned muscles burn more calories just sitting in a chair than do untrained muscles. Keep walking, maybe try running for a minute periodically during your walk (intervals) and then increase the amount of time you run while decreasing walking time. So, walk 3 minutes for warm-up, run 1 minutes, walk 3, run 1, walk 3, etc. After a couple of weeks, walk 3, run 1 1/2 min, etc.
As for your diet, focus on plants. Eat mostly fresh fruits, veggies (chose all the colors of the rainbow for maximum antioxidant protection), whole grains, beans/legumes, nuts and seeds. Minimize animal protein, as it contains mostly saturated fat and calories. Use it sparingly, like a condiment or flavoring for soups or stews. Eliminate dairy, see www.strongbones.org, www.pcrm.org and www.notmilk.com. There is nothing in animals that can't be consumed from plants. Eating mostly plants gets you lots of fiber, which fills you up. Count fiber, not calories, aim for at least 50 grams per day.
Don't have sweets in the house, if you do, they will call your name from the kitchen and you will eat them. Treats are ok, but be mindful of what is a treat and what is health providing foods. Go out for that treat but don't bring them in the house. I will bake cookies when I am going someplace, eat a couple there and leave the rest.
I am learning these tools from a series of wellness classes taught by a Naturopath who has her PhD in Nutrition. I would be honored to share more of what I am learning. My specialty is taking existing recipes and making them healthier through substitutions. I love to eat, so I cook and I have found great recipes for vegetarian meals. There is a vegetarian starter kit pdf within the pcrm website. I recommend you check it out.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I'm honored to help. Good luck...just remember, when you pick up some food, ask yourself, will this build me up or tear me down? Eat those veggies, they are energy. Be well, D.