My first memory was that mom and my aunt were laughing at me because I called my uncle "daddy" Could have been a clue for them that my vision wasn't all sharp and clear. But it wasn't until 6th grade before they put glasses on me.
You can do a simple test to see if the vision is sharp or not and at what distance. Can your son recognize ABCs? If so, find some signs that have them and stand different distances away from the signs. Maybe you could just print a sheet out that has different sizes and different letters. Then point at them and have him say what it is, with reasonable room for error in understanding depending if he easily can say the ABCs.
If it is dyslexia, it will just be about mixing up the order, not about whether he can actually see the chalkboard at a distance. I learned by picking it up from other kids around me, they thought I was cheating, but I had to see what was written even if it wasn't from the chalkboard.
I do energy healing now, and there are a couple simple exercises to do if it is dyslexia:
Wayne Cook posture especially good for dyslexia and stuttering:
1. Sit in a chair. Place your right foot over your left knee. Wrap your left hand around your right ankle and your right hand around the ball of your right foot.
2. Breathe in slowly through your nose, letting the breath lift your body as you breathe in. At the same time, pull your leg toward you. As you exhale, breate out of your mouth slowly, letting your body relax. Repeat 4 or five times.
3. Then switch, left foot up, right hand to left ankle, left hand to ball of left foot.
4. Uncross your legs and place your fingertips together forming a pyramid. Bring your thumbs to rest on your third eye. Breathe slowly in through nose, out through mouth while allowing your thumbs to separate slowly across your forehead, pulling the skin.
5. Bring your thumbs back to the third eye position. Slowly bring your hands down in front of you into gassho (prayer like palms together in front of heart for balancing enery out). Breathe normally.
The brain functions can be helped when there is more blood and therefore oxygen in the brain. This may be helpful especially in a school situation when kids are trying to assimilate a lot of information all at once. It brings more blood to the cognitive functions
Hold 2 points just above your eyebrows on your forehead. This is the position in the famous sculpture "the thinker." You can use one hand. You will not have to use lots of pressure just rest your forehead in your hands as you lean your elbows on a table. If you breathe deeply while you do this for a while, it will happen more quickly. You will notice when there is thumping in your forehead that something is happening. The thumping is the ki or chi being activated.
Here's another one that might help called
Celtic Weave:
Hold hands in front of you near each other but not clasped together. Then make the infinity sign (BIG figure 8 pattern on its side) swinging the 2 hands together from left side to right side crossing over back and forth. This also helps the 2 sides of your brain balance out and gets the energy in your body moving the right way. Do them little or big, all over and around your body. Use your mind to do them if necessary! It weaves a protective aura around you and closes up any gaps in your field.
For brain specifically go from side to side tracing around the eyes, from temple to temple and crossing at the bridge of the nose.
These techniques are from the book "Energy Medicine" by Donna Eden.
Love, L.