my boys are 2.5 years apart, so a little different for me. They still fight often, but I realize in my case, the older one just wants his own space sometimes, so I find a way to occupy the baby with something else... BUT, I had a fifth grade teacher with kids close together in age, and she told us how she got them to get along better (this was about 15 years ago) and it worked from day to day and eventually, they got along so well together... when they started to argue or fight, she used to make them sit on the loveseat, one kid on one cusion, one kid on the other. It was kind of like a time out, they were told to sit quietly, on the couch (no TV, no toys) until mom said they were allowed to get up. Everytime, according to Mrs. Schluckebier, they sat quietly, angry for a few minutes, but soon enough, they were giggling, talking nicely, etc. She would only enforce the "QUIET" rule if they were being nasty to each other. Actually, she said when they were REALLY in trouble (hitting, kicking) she made them hold hands while sitting on that couch. To me, it seems like a way to enforce time-out, but still let them work it out on their own, and not let them move on with their day until they did. When my kids (4 and almost 2) get a little older, I'll do this with them, just to see if it works :) good luck!