When my son wouldn't stay in his bed, we put a baby gate on his door. That way he wasn't scared because the door wasn't shut, but it stopped the getting up a million times a night thing. We installed a swing gate that is permanently attached, I think they are generally a little taller and harder to climb. Before the gate he was getting out of bed for 1-2 hours pretty much nonstop. He didn't like the gate at first, but he is 4 and still asks us to close it at night. (We've left it on as it keeps the dog and his little sister out in the mornings). We had a couple of nights where he would cry at the gate for awhile, then climb back in bed and go to sleep. He did fall asleep on the floor a couple of times during nap, (he was more stubborn at nap than bedtime). You should also make sure if she is napping, it isn't too late in the day or for too long. She may not be requiring as much sleep right now. The other end of the spectrum is to make sure she also isn't overtired, as it is harder for them to settle down when they are overtired. Before we got the gate we too resorted to laying down with him a few nights and he did the same thing--woke up several times to check and see if we were still there. I know some people don't agree with the gate thing, but he was young (less than 2) and was too young to realize the boundries of the bed. Hope this helps and good luck.