Rent the movie first. Then you have a small amount invested. If you don't like the movie, don't worry about getting the book. The book expands the ideas discussed in the movie (which only really only presents about half the "dare") so if you like the ideas in the movie, then yes, the book is worth getting. I would also look into checking it out from your library (or maybe even your church.)
As for what does it suggest:
There are a lot of things that are easier said than done, and much easier done when things are not "on the brink." It is a Christian book, so there is nothing really "racey."
As for does it work:
Like all books on marriage, it depends on how much you put into it and what your mindset is going in. If you're thinking that you can change your spouse or do 40 days of "chores" and be set for the rest of your life, well, no... that probably won't work. However, if you look at it as a way of slowly changing YOUR way of thinking to make YOU a better spouse (and MAYBE influence your spouse to become one, too.) then you have a better chance of success.
Now for my personal experience, I did the dare while my husband was away in Iraq. I think it did change our marriage for the better. We were not "on the brink" but we were not really clicking, either. I did not expect that it would change him, because he did not (still does not) know anything about it. However, it made ME a happier wife and by extension, my hubby was happier and easier to live with. I think it was well worth the time I put into it.
Hope this helps.