We went with the Family Swim School, in Eagan and Lakeville, which is probably too far for you to drive. And it's similar in cost and method to Foss. However, I found the extra expense to be worth it to have more mature, experienced teachers, warmer water and smaller class sizes. Both of my boys turned into good swimmers. My 16-year-old has his lifesaving certificate and my 13-year-old just completed the swimming portion of middle school gym. The only kid in his class who could swim better than him is on the swim team. That said, both the YMCA and Community Ed programs through your school district offer more reasonably priced swimming lessons. FYI, our YMCA has experienced, adult swimming teachers, but the Community Ed programs usually employ high school and sometimes college age teachers (if that matters to you). A lot of people in our area have had good results with YMCA swimming lessons. Nothing against the Community Ed programs, especially since that is how my older son got his water safety aid and lifesaving certificates, but just so you know what to expect and can make an informed decision.