You could fill up a small pool or a tub with water and lay some toys/rocks/something fun on the bottom. Then give him a pair of goggles or a diving mask and ask him (and maybe show)to put them on and hold his breath. Then he can lower his face in the water and play with toys on the bottom of the pool. Maybe you can even take him to a nearby creek (Big Darby is pretty clean, if you are around Columbus) and let him explore under water environments that way. I think they may even have some programs for kids. This can help getting rid of his fear of water. I remember being very afraid of water when I was little, especially having my face touch it, let alone getting my head under water. One summer we spent a month by the sea and I taught myself swimming (i was 10). I would put on goggles and walk around shallow places and look at the rocks and weeds and little fish and crabs, and then before long i was straightening my legs and pulling forward by grabbing onto rocks, and then eventually swimming. Love water ever since.