Hi Y.,
Gosh I know how you feel! I work full time and have two little girls. When I get home from work, my husband leaves for work so trying to divide my time betwen my girls, and the housework is not easy. I really envy those women whose houses are always spotless! The way I see it, my girls are only going to be little for a short amount of time. The moments with them are fleeting and they're a precious gift. I consider that more important than dishes or laundry. The housework will always be there, your kids will not. I do try to keep things up by taking an hour each night after they go to bed (8:00) to tidy up and one weekend day to do a top-to-bottom cleaning. I don't always get to, but I'd rather not have my girls look back at their childhood with me and say "Gee, my mom never spent much time with me but boy was our house clean!" It's a hard balance and i sure wish my house was spotless but some things are just more important. I hope that helps.