I use both shutterfly and snapfish. My cousin likes the google site. I think they are all pretty much the same.
If you use the internet to share pictures of your family with other family members, what sites do you use? I'm not really interested in Facebook as I've finally jumped off that time consuming bandwagon (I have no will power lol). Are there any sites that make it really easy to share pictures without emailing them & then the family members having to download them to see my kiddos? Thanks in advance!
I use both shutterfly and snapfish. My cousin likes the google site. I think they are all pretty much the same.
Winkflash or Shutterfly or Costco photo :)
If you use gmail check out their Picasa download. I use Picasa to edit my pics in then I can upload to our own personal picasa website that we control who has access too.
Shutterfly has a share option where you can create your own page and add in your pictures and any projects you've created that you might want to share.
We really like smugmug.com. we upload all of our pictures there and you can make different galleries...and you set the privacy settings for each one. you can then send a link to the gallery, or they can just see the publicly viewable ones...but you have to tell them your info to search for.