You'll probably be too nervous to snore knowing the extras are in the room.
I snore too. My husband has to shove me around now and then to get me to stop, but I never snore when sleeping at someone else's place for some reason.
Ok girls! I am totally embarrassed but I have to say that I snore! It usually happens when I am very tired (which seems like ALL the time) or if I have had a few drinks before bed (rarely happens). Now this is not just a normal snore, it is earth shattering!
That being said, my family does not seem to be affected by it so it has not really been a problem until now. I am going on a business trip the end of this month and will be sharing a room with 3 other women. Ugh! What do I do? Is there a way to stop someone from snoring? It is a conference of 10,000 + people and there are no other rooms available for me to get one on my own unless I leave the conference and get a room a ways away which will just not work given the schedule. Help me! I am freaking out that I will ruin the time for everyone.
You'll probably be too nervous to snore knowing the extras are in the room.
I snore too. My husband has to shove me around now and then to get me to stop, but I never snore when sleeping at someone else's place for some reason.
Just curious... if you are tired all the time, and have an 'earth shattering' snore, have you considered sleep apnea?
I always snored.... it was just the way I was.... but a few years back, I noticed I was falling asleep in the evening... something I rarely used to do..... also, I could barely drag myself out of bed in the morning... I was frequently late for work (I HATE being late for anything.... I think that is rude)... I thought that the reason I didn't want to get out of bed, was because I hated where I was working.
However, I noticed that sometimes, my hubby slept on the couch or on the spare bed... I really felt bad, because he said it was my snoring that was driving him out.... but I didn't know if there was anything I could really do about it.
He finally told me that it sounded like my airway was shutting off, that maybe I had sleep apnea.... I asked him to record it... OMG, it was hilarious hearing myself snore!
Anyway, I got an appointment with my PCP, explained the situation, and he set me up with an appointment with an ENT.... he scoped me to see if there were any obstructions, and set me up with a sleep study.
Yep, I had sleep apnea.... and it was pretty severe... no wonder I was so tired all the time! I was stopping breathing something like 90 times an hour? Anyway, a couple of months (it took a while for my results to be evaluated) later I had my CPAP..... I really had NO problem getting used to it... and it is so wonderful waking up in the morning feeling refreshed! (Well, sort of.... but that is a different story.. I'm now having problems with carpal tunnel and cubital tunnel syndrome, as well as rotator cuff problems, so those keep waking me during the night.) I really need surgery for those, but I'm putting it off...... but, as I said, that's a different story...
You may really need to get the snoring issue looked at... I tried the breathe right strips, but they didn't work..... it wasn't the nasal passages that were collapsing, it was the rest of the airway.
I realize there isn't time to do this before your conference, but you still need to get it looked into.
You can buy a mouth guard that will help with your snoring. It positions your lower jaw slightly forward so your tongue can't slip back and cause the snoring. My husband got one several months ago and it really helps. He got his at puresleep.com because it had a full money back guarantee, but I think there are several companies that sell basically the same thing.
PS. The nose strips help if you're snoring due to congestion. If not, they won't do anything. And the spray did nothing for my husband. (might work for you, of course)
Good luck!
You can try those breathing strips you put on your nose at night. They seem to help my husband sometimes, and he's the champion snorer of the Western United States. They don't do as wonderfully as they're advertised, but they sometimes help him (and me) a bit.
Otherwise, tell your friends in advance (I assuming you're sharing the room with people you know) that you snore loudly, so that they can bring earplugs or ask the hotel for extra pillows to put over their heads.
Check out that stuff you can spray in your throat that stops it cold.
Here is a link to what came up when I googled Snore Spray.
Ask the hotel if they can put a humidifier in the room - my mom swears it helps. Sleep in a well supported position - even if that means bringing your own pillow on the road.
I second the sleep apnea suggestion. Also, your family may be affected by it, just they are quiet about it. My husband's sleepwalking effects me greatly, but I don't complain too much about it.
I like the suggestion of the ear plugs for your roomies and the nose strips for a temporary fix.
Mouth guard! Slip it in as you're ready to get to sleep. No O. will know.
i find that my fiance snores waaayy more when hes laying on his back compared to when hes on his side.. i dont know if that helps u at all
Have you tried breathe right strips? You can also bring the other women ear plugs and break the ice in a lighter way??
I'm typing this as my husband's CPAP machine in the next room is sounding like a wind tunnel - don't know which is worse, the snoring or that stupid mask blowing air at 90 mph.
You've gotten some good advice - I'll add my 2 cents. Bring ear plugs for all your roommates - sounds like they'll need them. PS - my daughter tells me I snore too. My husband and I already need separate rooms when we go away because of his snoring/machine noise. Now my daughter doesn't want to share a room with me because I make too much noise. We actually have to rent a 3 bedroom house when we go away now. Needless to say, we don't go away much.
Use one of those "breathe right" strips to put across your nose.
It works.
My Dad used to use that.