I hate to say this so blunt, but if you are rocking him to sleep "Stop rocking him". You can rock him, just not right before bed!Do not let him sleep in your bed. If worse comes to worst, camp out on his floor to avoid giving in to him. Dont camp out all night though (that starts a new habit). When he awakes, let him cry for a bit. If he starts screaming, wait a min, then go in and let him know you are there. I ssshhhhhhh. I do not speak. If you have to camp out, just do so. Just say...mommy is going to lay here on the floor till you fall asleep. Try not to fall asleep, just pretend. Then when he is almost asleep...leave. You may want to do so before he falls asleep so that when he wakes up, he is not wondering where you went, cause he saw u leave. This is all something I and many moms hzave had to go through, and or still doing so.I have let my daughter cry it out, but I too have been weak, and giving in....it doesnt help. One thing at that age is that they love to read. When putting him in for nap, give him a book, and tell him to read(dont mention nap)...he will eventually go to sleep. Night terrors are very common at this age too.........Dont pick him up, just sooth (yes, they still need comforting). Best of luck...keep me posted.