I hate to say it, because I've been there, but you kind of have to tough it out a bit.
The gentle pats on back, reassurance, and leaving room and checking on them when you feel you should, works wonders earlier on. So I don't want to knock that method.
But with my first, I waited too long. Like yours, mine relied on bottle, rocking and woke to have one in the middle of the night.
I did what you did. Same result. He passed out after screaming and snot and gagging, and I felt defeated and horrible. Because when they are older, they are thinking "Why aren't you coming?" and they become almost hysterical. And they can stand up.
I had some success with that - although I absolutely felt terrible - then he had an ear infection, and was back to wanting the bottle.
So that's when we changed the going to sleep/bedtime routine.
So - give him his bottle when he's still awake. If that means letting dad give him the bottle, or just letting him sit and have his bottle - do that. You will be losing the rocking-my-baby to sleep routine, so you have to say goodbye to that phase. Sometimes it's the moms who want to hold on to these practices because we're so sentimental. So - into crib when super tired and eyes are closing.
So break that habit first - the rocking and bottle in arms at bedtime.
Then I found going in for that night bottle much easier to break. I offered a sippy cup. There was resistance, but much less after we broke the going to sleep routine.
It was part of letting go of that baby night time routine for me. Once I was ok letting it go - he knew it. He knew I meant business. So maybe that's what you have to do.
Good luck :)
ETA: Read your SWH. I'd have him out of your room. I have no idea how you'd let him fuss if he's in your room. To me, that would have been next to impossible. If he wakes at 2 am, he can see you. He knows you are there and he's going to fuss until you get up. So to me, if at all possible, move him into his own room.
Also when you let them fuss to sleep - one minute is not practical or effective. I agree with you - get him to fall asleep on his own first. Do that consistently for a month say, then try letting him fuss in the night at 2 am. But not all at once. Do it in stages. Or that's what I would find I could handle.
He may not wake once he can fall alsleep on his own, so that problem may take care of itself.
I co-slept with my last - so I get why that is easier. But at a year, a toddler who can't fall to sleep on his own - I would start a routine you are ok to follow. Keep it consistent. But I would move his crib out of your room.
I did have one baby where I sat in the room in a chair in corner and read until they stopped fussing. They could see me from crib, but I didn't go over. I was just there. Then I shortened how long I was in room, etc.
Do whatever works for YOU that you will stick with, and shorten it every night.